Once MoviePic has been linked to their photo album software, customers can select the motif they want to see enhanced, then load the relevant video, images or audio commentary intotheir personal online storage. After having successfully ordered the photo album, users received an activation code with a link to the relevant app store for the one-off installation of the basic app. In order to activate further photo albums and load the relevant media into the app, customers need only key in their activation code. The personal code can be used to automatically download a user’s individual app content. Then the picture analysis data for the recognition of photo motifs and videos shows up in the app, and is made ready for download. Thereafter, the photo album app, complete with all functions, can be used entirely off-line.
The app recognises the selected motifs in the photo album and launches the relevant videos, slide shows or audio commentary via a user’s smart phone or tablet. Customers can send friends and family email invitations to their personal photo albums and to enjoy them interactively with the accompanying app.